Monday, January 27, 2014


I read this from somewhere and i cant find the author to give credit , thought i should share this with you:

Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up.

Which direction is your life facing right now? Are u sorrowfully looking back at those shattered relationship? That money you lost? At what they used to call you? At what you once were? At the chances you missed in you life?
Are you worrying yourself to death looking around and seeing what everyone has got going? Are you worried that your peers are flying and you are crawling? Are you worried that you don't look good enough for him/her? Are you worried that you wont impress at the interview because your clothes Don't look quite as good? Are you worried that the secrets will come out?

How about you reposition youself right now!(i mean right now as you reading this)change you thinking and change you doing. Look up and look ahead. Look upp to a place of hope. Look ahead, to a new day, a new beginning, and marvel at what you can  still become in spite of your past, your loses, you mistakes, your fears, failures and all the mess. LOOK ahead;  sorrow and worry will keep you shaking but hope will get you going. Change how you see that beautiful self of yours and change direction.

 10 things you must give up To move forward...continues(by Marc edited by TJ tshepang jan manyaka.)

6) You need to be right in your attitude(aim for success, but never give up your right to be wrong, because when you do, you will also lose your ability to learn new things and move forward with your life)

7) running from problems that should be fixed ( well this applies to a lot of us, friends lets stop running away from our problems.Face these issues,fix the problems,communicate, appreciate, forgive and Love the people in your life , don't always stand on the receiving side stand also on the giving side)

8) making excuses rather than decisions ( most long-term failures are the outcome of people who make excuses instead of decisions- that one reminds me of me)

9) overlooking the positive points in your life( what you see often depends entirely on what you're looking for. You will have a hard time ever being happy if you are no thankful for the good things i your life right now. We are so selfish with what we have retrieved in life that we don't realize the blessings of what we have - Just be thankful for what you have)

10) not appreciating the present moment( too often we try to accomplish something big without realizing that the greatest part of life is made up of the little things)

I have found this to be very interesting (just wanna share with you friends)

10 things you must give up TO move forward in life (by Marc) only gonna give 5 today(edited by tj tshepang jan manyaka)

1) letting the opinion of others control your life(it's not what others think, it's what you think about yourself that counts. You have to do exactly what's best for you and your life, not what's best for everyone else)

2) The shame of past failure (your past doesn't equal your future, all that matters is what you do right now because what you do today will determined who you are tomorrow)

3)being indecisive about what you want ( you will never step out where you are until you decide where you will rather be. Friends make a decision to figure out what you want , and then pursue it passionately)

4) Procrastinating on the goals that matters to you ( acceptance and despair, friends there are two choices in life ; to accept conditions as they exist , or accept the responsibility for changing them. The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago.the second best time is now...therefore don't procrastinate it's a thief of time)

5) choosing to do nothing ( you don't choose how you are going to die, or when. You can only decide how you are going to live , right now. Every day is a new chance to choose - and remember that success is not by chance but by choice)
