Tuesday, October 21, 2014



My cousin was telling me about how NSFAS(student funding) is so unfair in service delivery, the dilemma that happened  were NSFAS could not give funds anymore because it ran out of funds inconveniencing a lot of students.
But when I looked at the other side when  a friend of mine who met with one of the major contributors shared what happened, it's been said that a lot of students who are funded when they get jobs they don't pay back the money NSFAS funded or "borrowed" them and also a lot of students drop out of tertiary because they put fun first before studies. But didn't NSFAS have a contigency plan concerning this ?" My personal question"

Now in all this we see blame shifting,no body  wants to take the blame. It reminds me of people who are in a relationship,nobody want to admit that their wrong. Everyone thinks they are right.....The is no collective action, no one wants to say I am wrong and I am willing to fix my mistake, we all want to be correct.

But if people would  take ownership of their mistakes it is so much easier to also take ownership of their action. Moving from the blaming to taking responsibility of our own flaws and consciously  making an action in correcting and learning from our mistakes.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Your Condition Is Not Your Conclusion by Tj Tshepang Jan Manyaka

Your Condition Is Not Your Conclusion - By Tshepang Jan Manyaka

      A friend of mine called me and said “Tj, I am in a lot of mess and I don’t think I am going to make it through this storm”, (Paused for while) my answer was “don’t let what you going through define the outcome of what you going through, you define the outcome by your attitude towards what you going through.”

         I was also directed to the scripture James 1:2-3 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” I have shared a series sermon on the book of James and more specifically on this verse but the way I saw it lately just astound me. The impression I got from this verse is thus “We in our situations, conditions, or circumstance for a season and also for a reason” sometimes it feels like what we going through is forever and no reason for what we going through. But that is a lie from the enemy because James clearly states that “when you find yourself in various predicament, know that it is for the testing of your faith, and your faith producing a fruit” (paraphrased). Predicament are not there to kill you but to benefit your faith but that will be determined by whom you direct your faith to when storms comes. 

      The book of Romans also highlights this , Romans 8:28” And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Paul here also communicates the same concept that we all go through predicaments for a season and a reason and they all work together for good.
As I read these verses (Romans 8:28/James1:2-3 ), I realized also that MY CONDITION IS NOT MY CONCLUSION, There is something out of the storms we going through, It is either we grow strong in them or weak and timid in them. I  READ a very powerful story in the book of John 5: 1-6 about a man who was an invalid (paralyzed) for thirty eight years, I loved these following verses “Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. In these lay a multitude of invalids—blind, lame, and paralyzed. One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?”

      Verse (6a) “when Jesus saw him” See we don’t serve a blind God but we serve a God that sees and able to work with us in our conditions.

Verse (6b) “and knew that he already been there a long time” nobody told Jesus what this man was going through and how long he has been in this condition. He knows what we going through and definitely knows how long we been through our storm, and he is asking us a simple question that needs a yes or no from us, the question He asked the invalid guy; “ Do you want to be healed/well?”  Its God desire to see us well, what is going to be your answer? God is asking us if we want to be well in our condition, He wants to walk with us in our condition, He wants to be there with us… Jesus was saying to this invalid man I know you have been in this condition for a long time(season) but the is reason for your season, it’s for me(God) to display my glory. 

Three Kind of People- By Tj Tshepang Jan Manyaka

Three kinds of people - bY Tj Tshepang Jan Manyaka

- People who are in a situation
- Those who about to get into a situation
- Those who about to get out of a situation
What I have realized with these three groups is that it affects all of us, we all somehow go through these stages, no matter the status, race or religion you believe in. Sometimes we don’t understand why we find ourselves in a “SITUATION”-(A set of circumstance/condition in which one finds oneself IN), some we intentionaly find ourselves in them some are unintentional.
But I just want to encourage someone today and say to you “YOUR CONDTION, SITUATION, OR CIRCUMSTANCE IS NOT YOUR CONCLUSION”

And you might be at your work place, @home , @school and saying “ Tj you don’t understand what I am going through, I am overwhelmed by what I am going through, you have it all going accordingly for you” But let me break it down to you I might not understand, actually I don’t have to because I sometimes find myself chocked by what I am going through as well,,, but I am so glad I have He who is bigger than what I am going through and He promised that He will deliver me from what I am going through.

My friend you see if you can only believe God like a little child believes in his father, doubting your doubt than doubting your faith in God who has everything under control. The problem is thus we fail God when we insist on shouldering our burdens instead of giving them to the Lord. Only God can deliver us, and He wants us to know that. In every situation, He wants us to first humble ourselves and then throw off the cares and worries the devil tries to lay on us. It is possible-in fact, it’s an order. I want to encourage you to place yourself totally into God’s hands and allow Him to be the Manager of your life.

#meditating verses for the week (1 Peter 5:6-7/ 2 Corinthians 12:9)

- Dear heavenly Father, I thank you. Even before the problems come, You have told me how to defeat situations I find myself in. You have also given me your own example of defeating circumstances. In your name, Lord Jesus, teach me to humble myself and to cast all my cares and concerns on you. AMEN!

Friday, June 6, 2014



Anne Roiphe once said “People always tell me either A. you love him/her. B. you hate him/her. My usual answer? C. All of the above. When I came across this it reminded me of what an old friend of mine said “Tj I love you and hate you at the same time” and I thought to myself the human heart is a very strange vessel, love and hate can exist side by side. Why is that? I don’t think we have a complete answer for that,
and I am sure everyone has their own opinion on that.
Just want to share my thought on being “Discombobulated in love”, which of it happens almost to everyone one of us. Three words that can either hype you up and at the same time break you, because of loss of meaning to it; “I LOVE YOU”, I am speaking in terms of relationships. We have so many unanswered questions concerning this topic. This noun word has even paralyzed people who have seen more days than us.
We all have asked what I call “The why’s of love?” to make typical examples ; if h/she loved me why did they hurt me, if h/she loved me they would have not hurt me right? Why does love hurt so much? We all somehow victims of these questions. I would love to speak on a man’s perspective and use my own experiences . The question we all need to ask ourselves is “why am in this relationship?” because I believe that being in a relationship or loving someone is more than feelings is also a choice. The problem with most of us guys is we want to understand woman and love comes second, but I believe woman are made to be loved, not understood. We spend so much time wanting to understand a lot of unnecessary things and we forget to love completely, we neglect giving ourselves away, we concentrate on what they don’t have and turn a blind eye on what they have. We don’t embrace and cherish what is already existing.
Love is a choice and also a sacrifice, a lot of people including myself sacrificed their own life's, careers, jobs and families to invest in a person they fell in love with, but in return what they expect to get is not there. It hurts to invest everything you have in someone who will later on jump off the boat. We all have to come to a point were by we understand that people change, and as they change the one mistake we do in relationship is not to detect that. Vital things that destroy relationship is not dishonesty, cheating etc. those are the results. I believe its communication breakdown and not also coming to terms of talking about your indifference's. I still believe in “meant to be relationships” there is a lot of people who I knew they were meant to be but because of not knowing how to manage their indifference, misconceptions of love, counterfeit concepts about love, choices taking because of mismanaged emotions these things break a lot of relationships and also don’t let good sex confuse your heart and make you think you’re in love. . “I LOVE YOU” has left a lot of people with scars, resentment, pain, confusion and some with the attitude of not loving again.
But in all this discombobulating about love, I still believe in it. No matter how many times you have been hurt or abused in the name of love, love is still a beautiful thing regardless. When you’re in love make sure you really are in love and not just in love with the idea of being in love. As much as this is painful but it’s true that, Love is weak when there is more doubt than there is trust, but love is most strong when you learn to trust even with all the doubts. Never give up on love, though people  spit on it, abuse it, stump on it, take advantage of it but you cherish it, embrace it no matter how much you have been hurt , forgive and love again. All in all we not perfect but we share something so powerful, special and perfect – love.

“Love makes life so confusing, but would you want to live without it?” anonymous 

Monday, January 27, 2014


I read this from somewhere and i cant find the author to give credit , thought i should share this with you:

Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up.

Which direction is your life facing right now? Are u sorrowfully looking back at those shattered relationship? That money you lost? At what they used to call you? At what you once were? At the chances you missed in you life?
Are you worrying yourself to death looking around and seeing what everyone has got going? Are you worried that your peers are flying and you are crawling? Are you worried that you don't look good enough for him/her? Are you worried that you wont impress at the interview because your clothes Don't look quite as good? Are you worried that the secrets will come out?

How about you reposition youself right now!(i mean right now as you reading this)change you thinking and change you doing. Look up and look ahead. Look upp to a place of hope. Look ahead, to a new day, a new beginning, and marvel at what you can  still become in spite of your past, your loses, you mistakes, your fears, failures and all the mess. LOOK ahead;  sorrow and worry will keep you shaking but hope will get you going. Change how you see that beautiful self of yours and change direction.

 10 things you must give up To move forward...continues(by Marc edited by TJ tshepang jan manyaka.)

6) You need to be right in your attitude(aim for success, but never give up your right to be wrong, because when you do, you will also lose your ability to learn new things and move forward with your life)

7) running from problems that should be fixed ( well this applies to a lot of us, friends lets stop running away from our problems.Face these issues,fix the problems,communicate, appreciate, forgive and Love the people in your life , don't always stand on the receiving side stand also on the giving side)

8) making excuses rather than decisions ( most long-term failures are the outcome of people who make excuses instead of decisions- that one reminds me of me)

9) overlooking the positive points in your life( what you see often depends entirely on what you're looking for. You will have a hard time ever being happy if you are no thankful for the good things i your life right now. We are so selfish with what we have retrieved in life that we don't realize the blessings of what we have - Just be thankful for what you have)

10) not appreciating the present moment( too often we try to accomplish something big without realizing that the greatest part of life is made up of the little things)

I have found this to be very interesting (just wanna share with you friends)

10 things you must give up TO move forward in life (by Marc) only gonna give 5 today(edited by tj tshepang jan manyaka)

1) letting the opinion of others control your life(it's not what others think, it's what you think about yourself that counts. You have to do exactly what's best for you and your life, not what's best for everyone else)

2) The shame of past failure (your past doesn't equal your future, all that matters is what you do right now because what you do today will determined who you are tomorrow)

3)being indecisive about what you want ( you will never step out where you are until you decide where you will rather be. Friends make a decision to figure out what you want , and then pursue it passionately)

4) Procrastinating on the goals that matters to you ( acceptance and despair, friends there are two choices in life ; to accept conditions as they exist , or accept the responsibility for changing them. The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago.the second best time is now...therefore don't procrastinate it's a thief of time)

5) choosing to do nothing ( you don't choose how you are going to die, or when. You can only decide how you are going to live , right now. Every day is a new chance to choose - and remember that success is not by chance but by choice)
